Some faqs that clients ask.
We offer a variety of denture options to suit different needs and preferences, including full dentures and partial dentures. Your dental prosthetist will work closely with you during a free consultation to determine the best solution for your individual situation.
Choosing the right denture is an important decision, and your dental prosthetist is here to help. During your free consultation, we'll discuss your specific needs, preferences, and lifestyle factors to recommend the denture that best fits your unique requirements and provides optimal comfort and function.
If your current denture is loose or uncomfortable, it may be time for a replacement or adjustment. Your dental prosthetist will evaluate your denture during a free consultation and recommend the most appropriate solution to ensure a comfortable fit and improved oral health.
While it's generally recommended to remove dentures overnight to give your gums a chance to rest, some people may choose to sleep in their dentures occasionally. However, we advise against sleeping in dentures on a regular basis to prevent potential oral health issues.
The cost of dentures can vary depending on factors such as the type of denture, materials used, and any additional treatments needed. During your free consultation, we'll provide you with a personalized treatment plan and transparent pricing information to help you make informed decisions about your dental care.